Tuesday, June 22, 2010

4th Of July Block Party

Click on the flier above for a larger version.

Some of your neighbors have come together to plan a block party for this July 4th. The event is a potluck and barbecue to be held in the Ely Way cul-de-sac from 12pm-4pm. Eating will begin at 12:30.

Fliers are being passed out by the organizers in the neighborhood. Games and activities are planned for children and adults. If you have tables, chairs, ice chests, ice, BBQ, easy-up canopy, games, or anything else that might be helpful for this event please email norm@victorianorman.com.

For the potluck please choose to bring either a main dish, side dish, or dessert. Also plan on bringing paper plates and plasticware for your family. If you are unable to bring food please come anyway, there will be more than enough to go around.

We will be barbecuing hamburgers and hot dogs and will have some drinks on hand.

1 comment:

  1. Christy and I will bring an easy up and some bottled water
